The Effect of Plastic Anisotropy on the Residual Stress within a 316L Stainless Steel Bead-on-Plate Specimen

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Plastic anisotropy can affect the strains measured by neutron diffraction. If this is not properly accounted for significant errors can result in the calculated stresses. This paper illustrates addresses this issue using measurements of the residual strain field around a 60 mm long single weld bead deposited on the surface of a 17 mm thick stainless steel plate. Measurements were made on ENGIN-X, the engineering spectrometer at the ISIS facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). Diffraction spectra from these measurements have been fitted using both single and multi-peak fitting approaches. Both residual strain and stress results have been presented for (111) and (200) single peak fits and compared to a multi-peak fit (Rietveld) analysis. Results from these analyses have revealed significant anisotropy in the response of the individual lattice planes. This effect is most severe in measurements carried out in the normal direction and is shown to be predicted using an elasto-plastic self-consistent model.

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