An Empirical Relationship to Predict Damages in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites under Extreme Thermal Cycling Conditions

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Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites are presently used in satellites structure for better performance during extreme thermal cycling space environment. These materials display unexpected failure because the satellite periodically goes into and out of the earth shadow region on orbit, leading to a change in its surface temperature. As the coefficient of thermal expansion of carbon fibers is an order of magnitude lower than that of the polymer matrix, repeated thermal stresses are generated in the composites under the alternative temperature field, resulting in damage to the materials and a decrease in mechanical properties. The main objective of this study is to develop an analytical model to predict the damage produce in the composites subjected to extreme thermal loading. These thermal loading also causes the material to release strain energy. The results are presented in terms of strain produced during thermal cycling and also in the process of delamination.

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