A PXI-Based Biomedical Electrical Impedance Tomography System

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This paper presents a PXI-based biomedical electrical impedance tomography (BEIT) system and interprets how to build up a practical BEIT system quickly. The hardware platform of the system is composed of signal source module, switch module, signal conditioner module and PXI-6251 data acquisition card supplied by National Instruments (NI), which simplify the system structure as well as improving the stability and accuracy of the system. Different from the traditional BEIT systems, the electrodes selection, the switch pattern, the programmable gain amplifier (PGA) gain selection are realized by code programming in LabVIEW instead of electrical components design. The composition of the proposed system and the specialized software package developed in LabVIEW are introduced in detail in the paper, and experiments are undertaken to verify the feasibility of the system. The imaging results verify that the PXI-based BEIT system has prominent performance in flexibility, reliability and scalability.

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