Effect Pouring Temperature on Casting Defect Susceptibility of Hot Tearing in Metal Alloy Al-Si

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Hot tearing is one of metal casting defects and often found in the casting products such as cracks on the surface. Solidifaction metal causes a thermal contraction and shrinkage, when the contraction and shrinkage occurs if a metal alloy is restrained by mold design, it will effect hot tearing. Hot tearing is influenced by several factors, including the chemical composition of the alloy, the casting temperature, mold temperature, mold constraint, fast or slow solidifaction, non uniform solidifaction, and so on. This study aimed to obtain a certain temperature that cause the maximum of hot tearing defects, so it can be recommended to the metal casting industry in aluminum-silicon material to avoid the casting temperature. Three variations of the casting temperature used in this study including 710 oC, 760 oC and 810 oC. The material used in this study is an alloy of Al-1.19% Si (percent by weight). The method used is a visual method using mold CRCM (Constrain Casting Rod Modified) Horizontal used for the index analysis of HTS (Hot tearing Susceptibility). The results gotten include the hot tearing increases with the increasing of casting temperature, and it decreases with the decreasing the casting pouring. The maximum of hot tearing index is 45 HTS at 760 oC for casting temperature. Tear formed on products from smooth categories (hairline cracks) to the complete categories (broken specimen).

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