Development of Stand for Testing Electrochemical Permeation (STEP) of Hydrogen through Metal Foils

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Experimental Stand for Testing Electrochemical Permeation (STEP) of hydrogen through metal foils was constructed and described in this paper. Hydrogen diffusion coefficients in different metal foils at room temperature can be determined by using STEP. Influence of pulsed electron beam irradiation on hydrogen diffusion coefficient in zirconium alloy E110 was investigated. It was established that treatment by pulsed electron beam with the energy density of 18 J/cm2, by three impulses with duration 50 μs leads to a decrease in the diffusion coefficient of hydrogen on the order of one. This is due to the fact that structure with more branched crystals’ boundary formed after irradiation and such structure is effective trap for hydrogen. Also there is formation of protective oxide film after irradiation.

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