Processing of Human Feces Using Beanstalk and Sawdust as Matrix in a Composting-Type Eco-Toilet

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This study aims to investigate the changing of operational parameters and waste reducing rate, as well as the possibility of using produced composts as organic fertilizer in an on-site composting-type eco-toilet filled with mixed materials of beanstalk and sawdust as reaction matrix. During the 23-week period, change of pH was divided into three phases: acid phase (6.63-7.00), alkaline phase (9.00-9.71) and stable phase (8.10-9.00). With continuous input of feces and urine, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium contents was increased to reach 4.3%, 1.06% and 2.03%, respectively. Organic matter content decreased from 95.6% to 76.2% and the total reduction rate of dry weight increased gradually from 46.93% to 92.29%. The composts could be used as organic fertilizer at suitable concentrations. The suitable concentration for cucumber, cabbage and rape growth was obtained to be at compost ratios of 1:15-1:30, 1:15-1:20 and 1:25-1:40, respectively. Microbial utilization efficiency of human feces and urine could be improved when the mixed material of beanstalk and sawdust was used as reaction matrix in an on-sit composting-type eco-toilet. The mixed materials with beanstalk and sawdust at a volume ratio of 1:1 was found to be efficient to transform human feces and urine into organic fertilizer rich in the elements of N, P and K.

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