The Properties of Coarse Grain Heat Affect Zone of Pipeline Steels with Excellent Deformability under Different Welding Heat Input

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The pipeline steels with excellent deformability becomes an important research direction of pipeline materials fields in recent years. In this study, the pipeline steels with excellent deformability was obtain by inter-critically accelerate cooling(ICAC) method, the influence of welding heat input on the microstructure and property of the coarse grain heat affect zone (CGHAZ) of X80 pipeline steels with excellent deformability is investigated using welding thermal simulation, mechanical testing and microstructure analysis. The result indicate that the strength and toughness of CGHAZ of X80 pipeline steels with excellent deformability decrease follow with welding heat input increase.

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Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 284-286)




Online since:

July 2011



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