Influences to Forest Fire Occurrence of Climate Change: A Study in Ta He Forestry Bureau in Great Xing’an Mountain

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Forest fire is one of the most important ecological factors in the forest ecosystem. The Daxinanling forest region has not only the largest forest areas, but also the biggest forest fire burned area in China. By analyzing the recorded climate and forest fire data of Ta He forestry bureau from 1974 to 2004, the following results can be concluded: (1) There were 298 forest fires recorded by Ta He forestry bureau during 31 years and the burned area were 1.63 million hectares totally with 9.6 forest fires per year, unpredictable and short fire cycle as characters. (2) According to the occurrence time of forest fires, the Julian date concentrated between 102~181 and 240~293, corresponding April 12th to June 30th and August 28th to October 20th, which were spring and autumn fire prevention periods. Major fires mainly occurred in spring of 1974~1982, 1986~1987, 1993, and 1998~2002. The major fires cycle were 4 to 5 years. (3) The related indices of temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, and wind speed recorded in June in Ta He forestry bureau were 0.3929, 0.5274, 0.6136 and 0.1679. Temperature, relative humidity and rainfall factors in June had obvious linear relationships to forest fires, while the relationship between wind speed and forest fires is unobvious.

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