An Ecological Dynamics Model of Algae Growth in Taihu Lake and the Analysis of its Influencing Factors

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For the study on the eutrophication problem in Taihu Lake of China, an ecological dynamics model of algae growth is established based on the simulation of the growth of the dominating algae in Taihu Lake. Chlorophyll-a (chl-a), total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) are chosen to be the water quality variables. The main factors influencing the algae growth in Taihu Lake are investigated by the sensitivity analysis of the model’s parameters. The results show that the maximum growth rate of algae, the algae respiration rate, the coefficients of temperature influence and the half saturation constant for phosphorus have significant influences on the simulation results. Temperature and TP are the dominating factors of influencing the algae growth in Taihu Lake.

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