Study on Automobile Painting-Wastewater Treatment with the Process Technology of Pretreatment-Air Flotation-SBR

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Wastewater from automobile painting is characterized by complicated composition, high level of CODCr and poor biodegradability. In this experiment, it combines the physic-chemical method with the biological method together. At first, it pretreats the degreased wastewater and painting wastewater with chemical agents, after which the removal rate of the degreased wastewater is more than 50% and that of the painting wastewater is 60~80%. Then, the effluents together with electrophoresis wastewater were treated by the coagulation-flotation and SBR process technology, after which the removal rate of CODCr can reach over 80%, so as to achieve the primary standards (CODCr≤100mg/L; pH=7.0~7.5) of "Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB8978-1996).

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