Theoretical Study of New Configuration of Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar Collector (PV/T) Design

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The combination of solar thermal and PV technologies leads to form a single module called PVT system. This system is able to produce heat and electricity simultaneously. In this paper, a new configuration and design of PV/T system are proposed, and a theoretical study of this system is evaluated. The PV/T consists of certain layers which are the glass, air gap, PV panel, absorber plate and insulating material layer. The monocrystalline PV and spiral flow absorber plate are used in this study. The results of the system performance under typical sunny climatic Malaysian condition are presented. The maximum thermal and electrical efficiencies obtained are 64.4 % and 12.13%, respectively. The effect of mass flow rate on the outlet water temperature is also evaluated. It is shown that the optimum mass flow rate for the designed system is between 0.005 and 0.075 kg/s.

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