Biaxial Tensile Test of High Strength Steel Sheet for Large Plastic Strain Range

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Deformation behavior of high strength steel with a tensile strength of 590 MPa under biaxial tension was investigated for a work equivalent plastic strain range of 0.002 0.16. The test material was bent and laser welded to fabricate a tubular specimen with an inner diameter of 44.6mm and wall thickness of 1.2 mm. Using a servo-controlled tension-internal pressure testing machine, many linear stress paths in the first quadrant of stress space were applied to the tubular specimens. Moreover, biaxial tensile tests using a cruciform specimen were performed to precisely measure the deformation behavior of the test material for a small strain range following initial yielding. True stress-true plastic strain curves, contours of plastic work in stress space and the directions of plastic strain rates were measured and compared with those calculated using selected yield functions. The plastic deformation behavior up to an equivalent plastic strain of 0.16 was successfully measured. The Yld2000-2d yield function most closely predicts the general work contour trends and the directions of plastic strain rates of the test material.

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