Acid-Modified Clinoptilolite – Effective Sorbent of Sc(III) from Aqueos Solutions

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The sorption properties of acid-modified Transcarpathian clinoptilolite towards Sc (III) under dynamic conditions have been studied. It was found that the most effective acid-modifier is 0.5M HCl solution. Maximal sorption capacity is observed in the previously heat-treated at 50 oC samples of H-clinoptilolite in low alkaline solutions (pH=8.5). At this conditions almost all of the Sc (III) ions are in the form of neutral hydroxo complex [Sc (OH)3(H2O)3]. The sorption capacity of H-clinoptilolite towards Sc (III) ions under optimum conditions is 9.98 mg/g. The best desorbent of Sc (III) from acid-modified clinoptilolite is 6 M HCl solution. This desorbent removes 98% of sorbed Sc (III).

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